
Xaquelina Ann Perry es nombrada presidenta de la Asociación Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer

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The executive committee of IFCC will focus on “supporting cancer patients in the Pityusic Islands and their families”, continuing the legacy of Helen Watson, who passed away this summer

This Association has been working for 22 years in supporting and improving the quality of life of cancer patients in the Pityusic Islands and implementing pioneering prevention projects

The Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association, IFCC, today introduced its new board of directors, with Xaquelina Ann Perry as president, and Berno Kiberd continuing as vice-president and treasurer. Along with the rest of the NGO’s leadership, they will focus “on continuing the incredible legacy of Helen Watson (M.B.E.), and previous presidents, all dedicated to supporting cancer patients in the Pityusic Islands and their families.”

Xaquelina Ann Perry, an active member of IFCC since its foundation, has collaborated with the Association working alongside previous presidents and vice-presidents: Helen Watson (M.B.E.), Pepe Colomar, and Pam Deakin. She has also served as a volunteer, executive committee member, secretary, and treasurer of this local NGO, composed of volunteers of all nationalities residing in the islands. IFCC thus renews its local executive committee, following the death of its president for the last decade, Helen Watson, M.B.E., to continue coordinating the activities and events driven by this Association.

“IFCC is made up entirely of volunteers who promote activities and events throughout the year with one sole purpose: to demonstrate that united, this common fight against cancer is less harsh,” Perry stated. “Thanks to the efforts of our members and volunteers, we support cancer patients and their families in their journey through this disease, providing practical care, including necessary orthopedic equipment, such as electric bed frames, wheelchairs, walkers, or the purchase of wigs and lymphedema bands; rehabilitation care, especially in the case of lymphedema, as well as emotional or financial care, helping them to cope with their economic burden,” summarized the new president of IFCC.

Xaquelina Ann Perry also added, “the loss of Helen Watson is irreplaceable, but the entire family that makes up our Association will fight harder, if possible, to ensure her legacy endures over time.”

“My great wish, in addition to our main support for cancer patients, is to continue with all the great projects initiated by Helen, along with our vice-president, Berno Kiberd, and the committee, including an urgent improvement in the participation of the Pityusic population in the colon cancer screening test project (currently only 24%, the lowest in the Balearic Islands), to save lives through early detection of this disease,” Perry detailed. Supporting the start of a Lung Cancer screening program in Ibiza and Formentera and supporting the collection and reporting of data from the Ibiza and Formentera cancer registry, for solid planning and monitoring of cancer services, are other proposals they will promote in 2024 from this NGO. “Working to make cancer patients in the Pityusic Islands more bearable will continue to be one of our premises, which is why we will continue collaborating with IBSALUT in various ways: acquiring more and better material for the chair area in the oncology and radiotherapy departments of Can Misses, and producing informational and control brochures for patients, hand in hand with the professionals of our public health system,” she concluded.

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Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association

The Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association, IFCC, has been supporting cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera for over 22 years by funding treatments, medical supplies, and informational brochures for cancer prevention. In the last decade, it has donated a total of 26 state-of-the-art reclining chairs for the oncology patients of Can Misses Hospital, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room, and has funded the launch of the first colon and breast cancer screening project in the Pityusic Islands.
IFCC has also financed, thanks to donations from its numerous members and the charity events it organizes, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation and the Palliative Care Unit consultation; the acquisition of an endoscope for the Formentera Hospital, as well as several cars for this Palliative Care Unit.

This NGO has also published informational brochures for the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients undergoing chemotherapy, breast surgery, and ostomy treatments.

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