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The ‘Solidarity hairdressers’ initiative returns this Sunday, January 19 to celebrate its eighth edition for the benefit of IFCC

This day will begin at 10 am and will last until 1 pm at Parque de la Paz in Ibiza
Everything that is collected with the different haircuts that are made, at five euros as a donation per share, will go to this Pitiusa NGO
Ibiza, June 16 (Imam Communication)
Next Sunday, January 19, the ‘Solidarity Hairdressers’ initiative that celebrates its eighth edition in the Peace Park of Ibiza comes to life again. This day, organized by the Association of Neighbors of Es Clot and directed by Pérez Peluquero, will start at 10 am and will run until 1 pm, thanks to the participation of different hairdressers of the island who will provide their services for free and that They will offer haircuts for 5 euros as a donation. Everything collected in this event will go to the Association Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, IFCC.
This event, in addition, will have an informative position of said Association in which its volunteers will explain how to deal with this disease, will give information on cancer prevention and detection and will disseminate what are the projects carried out by this Pitiusa NGO and how It helps cancer patients and their families in Ibiza and Formentera.
Also this meeting will feature music to liven up the day that will sound while the hairdressers cut the hair to all who are encouraged to attend. “It is an event that every year has many participants, not only because of the solidarity nature of this day, but also because the hairdressers who join this initiative are true professionals,” says IFCC President Helen Watson, who He wanted to thank the Association of Neighbors of Es Clot and Pérez Peluquero for choosing IFCC one more year as a beneficiary of this action.
In this edition, in addition to the contribution of Pérez Peluquero as director of this initiative, Hairdressing & Aesthetics Lo + R, Barber Shop Ibiza, Patricia Clapés, The Barber Show Ibiza, Art and Hair and Ibiza Extensions participate. Likewise, PostQuam Professional and Salerm Cosmetics collaborate in this event.
In the last edition this meeting had more than 200 visitors thanks to the efforts of hairdressers, volunteers and operators of the City of Ibiza, who were responsible for the assembly, and that this year they will return to realize the eighth edition of ‘Solidarity Hairdressers’ in the one that its organizers expect that “so many people come or even more than in previous years”.

IFCC, 19 years next to Pitiusas cancer patients
The Association Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, IFCC, is a non-governmental and non-profit organization aimed at the fight against this disease in the Pitiusas. IFCC has been helping cancer patients from the islands of Ibiza and Formentera for 19 years by offering their support to the sick and their families and collaborating with the health services of the Balearic Islands, in order to promote improvements that have a greater quality of care.
Thus, in recent years IFCC has launched different projects such as the acquisition of several vehicles for the Palliative Care Unit of the Can Misses Hospital, the purchase of several equipment aimed at performing colonoscopies at the Formentera Hospital, financing of the pilot colon cancer screening program of the Health Area of ​​Ibiza and Formentera, the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit of the Can Misses Hospital or the preparation, printing and dissemination of different advice and care guides for cancer patients, among other actions.

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