Solidarity in Action

By the side of every patient in the Pitiusas

Our commitment is to ensure that every contribution and effort directly benefits those who need it most, offering essential services and support at every stage of the illness.

The Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated to the fight against this disease in the Pitiusas. Our philosophy is that everything we achieve for the islands stays on the islands, and every bit of help reaches the people of Ibiza and Formentera who need it most, directly and without filters. At IFCC, we listen, support, raise awareness, inform, fundraise, and create prevention and early detection programmes to support cancer patients and their families throughout all stages of the illness.

Our Association is made up entirely of volunteers who organise activities and events throughout the year to show that united, this common fight becomes less difficult. Thanks to the efforts of our members and volunteers, we can assist cancer patients and their families.

Our Association is led by a local executive committee that coordinates all the activities and events we carry out with the help of our volunteers from various nationalities living on the island.

Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer
Solidarity in Action

We offer the following services completely free of charge

Financial Assistance

Financial support for cancer patients and their families.

Orthopaedic Equipment

Loan of orthopaedic equipment and support products such as electric bed frames, wheelchairs, walkers, as well as the purchase of wigs and lymphoedema sleeves.

Psychological Support

We provide access to specialist psychologists for patients and their families.


For treatments outside the Pitiusas, we can assist in certain cases with transport and related expenses.

Lymphoedema Prevention

Prevention and rehabilitation of lymphoedema, a programme arranged and sponsored in collaboration with Can Misses Hospital and a private centre.

Conoce algunos de nuestros integrantes

IFCC está compuesta por voluntarios que promovemos actividades y eventos todo el año.