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IFCC raises 1,336 euros through two charity walks held at the Salinas Natural Park and Cala Salada

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This sum will fund a campaign to spread the importance of undergoing the screening test that prevents colon cancer in a simple, painless, and free manner

The Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association, IFCC, has raised 1,336 euros through two charity walks organized this Sunday. The first succeeded in raising 136 euros and consisted of a 5.5-kilometer circular route through the Salinas Natural Park to Torre de Ses Portes. Meanwhile, Ibiza Hike Station, the company organizing the second, contributed 1,200 euros to this NGO after bringing to life a charitable march in which part of the coastal area of Cala Salada was also cleaned, to the rhythm of Boho Experience music and the taste of Vedrà Kombucha. The event concluded with a meditation and a healthy snack at Brand Village.

The president of IFCC, Xaquelina Ana Perry, has thanked all the people who participated in both events for their “generosity” and has announced that “these funds will be fully allocated to disseminate the early detection program for Colon Cancer.” “This test is very important for our Association since we financed its implementation in the Balearic healthcare system almost a decade ago, and we consider it essential that all the at-risk population of our islands benefits from it,” IFCC’s president clarified.

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“We would like to highlight the involvement of Ibiza Hike Station, once again, in these healthy and charitable meetings and extend this gratitude to the Sant Antoni de Portmany City Council whose councilor for Environment, Beaches, Cleaning, and Animal Welfare, Pepita Torres, attended this route,” IFCC’s president assured.

“This Sunday, March 31st, marks the International Day Against Colorectal Cancer, the second leading cause of death from this disease in our country and the most common malignant tumor in both sexes,” recalled Xaquelina Ana Perry, who stated that “for this reason, we considered it necessary to commemorate this date and launch among the citizens of the Pityusic Islands different informative actions so that people between 50 and 69 years old undergo this free, simple, and painless test, which they can perform in their own homes to help us reverse these figures,” she specified. “In 2023, only 35% participation was recorded among the at-risk population, and our dream is to reach 100% since, without this screening, 60% of diagnosed cases are detected at advanced stages and their prognosis is very negative,” concluded the president of IFCC.

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