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Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer organises a new solidarity walk through Es Broll de Buscastell

This route will take place next Sunday, 25th February, starting from the Sant Mateu car park at 10:30 am

This charitable meeting will last three hours and will offer the chance to enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes on the island

The Asociación Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer (Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer), IFCC, will organise a charity walk of 8.9 kilometres through the valley of “Es Broll de Buscastell” in Sant Mateu d’Albarca on the upcoming Sunday, 25th February. This journey, which is part of their calendar of healthy routes, will start at 10:30 am from the Sant Mateu car park and will last three hours. This moderate-level walk has an elevation gain of 150 metres and is open to people of various ages and physical conditions, who will learn more about the style of irrigation channels preserved from centuries ago.

“This walk consists of an easy circular route whose only difficulty will be crossing the stream,” stated IFCC president, Xaquelina Ana Perry. “Es Broll de Buscastell is part of one of the most beautiful landscapes on the island, whose cultivated plots are located on terraces at different levels, built during the Arab domination era. They are fed by the water from the Es Broll spring, responsible for the fertile landscape, where water is the main protagonist,” she detailed. This walk will take attendees through the countryside and forest to the spring, where a break will be taken. Then, the stream will be crossed, and the old path to Sant Mateu will be followed back to the starting point.

Those interested in participating in this route must register on the website of the Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer association with a donation starting from 5 euros.

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