Blog, Eventos

Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer celebrates its 21st anniversary with a charity dinner at La Casita restaurant

This initiative for all audiences will serve to raise funds for cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer will hold a solidarity gala dinner on April 23 at 7:30 p.m. at La Casita restaurant, located at 38 Carretera de Cala Llonga, on the occasion of its 21st anniversary supporting cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera.

This event will feature a welcome glass of cava, a three-course menu with wines, beers and soft drinks, and a live performance by The Moonshine Band. To attend thisevent, whose donation price is 50 euros per person, it will be necessary to register in advance by sending your personal data and the number of diners to the email or by calling 34 666 99 13 36.

From IFCC they have stated that “it is a pride to be able to celebrate this solidarity gala in which all the work and effort made for 21 years to support and improve the quality of life of cancer patients will be valued”.

Solidarity Dinner IFCC in La Casita restaurant

IFCC, 21 years together with the Ibiza and Formentera islands  cancer patients and their families.

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Can Misses Hospital, in addition to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room. An Association that has also financed, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events it organizes, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation room and the Palliative Care Unit consultation room, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Hospital of Formentera, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Pitiusas and the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for this Palliative Care Team. This NGO has produced the information brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, breast surgery and ostomy patients.

These are just some of the tangible deeds achieved by this Association that has spent more than 21 years alongside cancer patients and their families in Ibiza and Formentera .

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