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Davy Lyons will fill the Teatro de España with folk music in a charity concert in aid of IFCC on June 22

In this recital the young Irish artist will present his new project ‘Evidence’

All that is collected with the sale of tickets, 10 euros per person, will go to the Association Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer


On June 22, folk music artist Davy Lyons will present his new album ‘Evidence’ in a solidarity concert at the Teatro España, located in the municipality of Santa Eulària des Riu, for the Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC.

Davy Lyons will launch in Ibiza the debut of his new album, recorded live in Barcelona with his band formed by Juan Pablo Balcázar on the double bass, Nacho López on the violin and Toni Saigi on the piano. The live music of this artist will come to life from 9:00 p.m. in this event in which he will show his most intimate, intense work, loaded with images and with an important poetic density. According to Davy Lyons himself, “this record breathes the alive and renewed tradition, which is what my songs transmit, to talk about stories of daily life with a ballad style”.

This young artist, of Irish origin and settled in Barcelona, ​​regularly travels from small to the island of Ibiza with his family and in this project, says Lyons, “I wanted to recognize, investigate and reimagine the tradition inherited from my childhood and not do a safe and easy three-minute product. ” ‘Evidence’ is an album that combines Irish popular music with a natural sound, elegant style and more modern forms. In this regard, Lyons wanted to present his new work on the island and stressed that “for our band it is a pleasure to play in Ibiza and do it, in addition, in favor of the IFCC Association, which do a commendable job”.

From IFCC, its president, Helen Watson, stressed that “this unique and intimate event is an unrepeatable musical experience on the island of Ibiza and we can not be more grateful to Davy Lyons and his band for donating the benefits of this concert.” Watson has extended this thanks to the City of Santa Eulària des Riu that gives a space “as incredible as his Theater Spain”. All the proceeds of this musical event, which will last for 90 minutes, will go to the detection and prevention campaigns for skin and prostate cancer that the IFCC Association carries out in the Pitiusas. Tickets can be purchased for 10 euros on the website


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