Join Us

Would you like to learn more about the main activities of IFCC?

Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer relies solely on donations from its members and the funds raised by volunteers who participate in our events and collections. That’s why every little bit helps, and we invite you to become a member.

Highlights from recent years:

Apoyo Económico

Apoyamos económicamente a los enfermos de cáncer y a sus familias

Financiación de tratamientos

Ayudamos a la financiación de tratamientos específicos para pacientes no englobados dentro de la Seguridad Social

Compra de material

Realizamos la compra de un vehículo especializado para cuidados paliativos a domicilio

Prevención y concienciación

Financiamos y realizamos numerosas campañas de prevención y concienciación

How to join and make donations?

Our association relies on support for its existence. Become a member of our group.

Our members are especially important, as their annual contributions help keep the Association running. You can become a member with an annual fee starting from €10.

Join Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer


If you are interested in joining Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, you can make your donation through the following bank account.


Some of the companies that already collaborate with Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer: