Blog, Eventos

Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer organises a new charity walk spanning from North to East Santa Gertrudis

This beneficial and healthy route will take place next Sunday, 28th April, starting from the church of this urban core at 10:30 am, reaching the river of Santa Eulalia

The Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association, IFCC, will carry out next Sunday 28th April a new charity walk, open to the public of all ages, that will tour Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera from North to East. A walk of moderate difficulty and straightforward that will start at 10:30 am from the church of this urban nucleus, covering a total distance of 8.5 kilometres, and is expected to last 3 hours. “In our quest to organise routes that allow us to explore all the municipalities of our island, we wanted to include this easy and flat walk towards the North of Santa Gertrudis, where the first two kilometres will be on asphalt road, hence we will be particularly cautious with traffic, before moving into the countryside,” revealed the president of IFCC, Xaquelina Ana Perry.

“It is worth noting that Santa Gertrudis is one of the most beautiful and fertile urban centres on the island and that towards the end of this walk, we will pass through the dry riverbed of the Rio de Santa Eulalia, before circling back to our starting point, in what promises to be a unique experience,” specified the president of this NGO.

IFCC Charity Walk
Those interested in participating in this healthy activity must register on the website of the Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association and make a donation of at least 5 euros, “although this amount can be increased to whatever each person considers helping us continue our work supporting cancer patients of the Pityusic Islands and their families,” concluded Perry.

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